Njivice beach - Gay Naturist Spots (& Gay Friendly) (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Njivice (www.tz-njivice-omisalj.hr) is a village on the island of Krk.
Gay nude beach is situated next to the autocamping. Walk along the coast, eneter the camping and continue untill the end of it. There you will find a fence with a passage to the nude beach.
First part of the beach is straight and after some 10-15 minutes of walking you will reach the gay area with appropriately situated forest above the beach.
Gay beach is well visited, especially in summer months when except locals from Krk and Rijeka, many tourists come from Zagreb, Slovenia and Italy. It is one of the most beautiful and popular gay beaches in Croatia. In summer months there are about 50 guys sunning and swimming.


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